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Get a T-Shirt for Change

On January 20, Barack Obama will be sworn in as our 44th president.

We've designed some cool shirts to commemorate this historic day. And if we all wear them on Inauguration Day—to school, or work, or to the inauguration itself—we'll show that Obama's got widespread support for big progressive change.

We'll send a shirt to anyone who contributes $12 or more to our big campaign to pass Obama's change agenda—and we'll deliver it in time to wear on Inauguration Day. Click here to get yours, then tell all your friends:


Barack Obama has said many times that he can't deliver universal health care or a sweeping clean energy policy on his own. We all need to do our part.

So we've launched a campaign called "Real Voices for Change" to make Obama's progressive mandate impossible to ignore. We're organizing grassroots events. We're putting together a major ad campaign. And MoveOn members are already out gathering messages of support from their neighbors.

We're going to make sure the voice of the people speaks louder than the HMO lobbyists and oil companies.

But in order to hit the ground running the minute Obama becomes president, we need resources now. And that means we all need to help out. Please chip in $12 or more today, and we'll send you an Obama shirt in time for Inauguration Day. Click here:
