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National Online Travel Itineraries

As our list of Travel Itineraries grows, the historic destinations you can visit online or in person are virtually endless! Each itinerary is a self-guided tour to historic places listed in the National Register. Spotlighting different geographic regions and themes across the country, National Register Travel Itineraries expose you to a huge variety of places significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. National Register Travel Itineraries can help you plan your next trip!

    Each itinerary provides:
  • Descriptions of each historic place and its importance in American history, plus contextual essays
  • Tourist information for historic places open to the public including hours of operation, tour possibilities, phone numbers, and website links
  • Interactive maps
  • Color and vintage photographs
  • Links to related preservation and tourism web sites

Indianapolis' City Market
Arkansas's Little Rock High School National Historic Site
Travel to Preserve America Communities

The Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary Series makes it easy to explore America's extraordinary Historic Places!

As our list of Travel Itineraries grows, the historic destinations you can visit online or in person are virtually endless! Each itinerary is a self-guided tour to historic places listed in the National Register. Spotlighting different geographic regions and themes across the country, National Register Travel Itineraries expose you to a huge variety of places significant in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture. National Register Travel Itineraries can help you plan your next trip!

    Each itinerary provides:
  • Descriptions of each historic place and its importance in American history, plus contextual essays
  • Tourist information for historic places open to the public including hours of operation, tour possibilities, phone numbers, and website links
  • Interactive maps
  • Color and vintage photographs
  • Links to related preservation and tourism web sites

[graphic] Where do you want to travel?  Click on any state or region for exciting destinations

American Presidents ~ NEW
Maritime History of Massachusetts
Amistad: Seeking Freedom in Connecticut
Aviation:From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Shaker Historic Trail
Delaware and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, Pennsylvania
All Aboard for Cumberland, Maryland
Washington, DC
Central Vermont
Kingston, New York
Baltimore, Maryland
Places Where Women Made History: Featuring Massachusetts and New York
Aboard the Underground Railroad
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement

American Presidents ~ NEW
Richmond, VA
Augusta, Georgia
James River Plantations, VA
Raleigh, NC
Florida Shipwrecks
Asheville, North Carolina
Virginia Main Street Communities
Shelby, North Carolina
Aviation:From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Atlanta, Georgia
Lexington, Kentucky
Indian Mounds of Mississippi
Journey Through Hallowed Ground: Route 15 in the Virginia's Piedmont
Historic Charleston's Religious and Community Buildings
Along the Georgia-Florida Coast (OR order printed brochure)

Aboard the Underground Railroad
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement

American Presidents ~ NEW
Cane River National Heritage Area (Louisiana)
South and West Texas (OR order printed brochure)
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (OR order printed brochure)
Aviation:From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms
American Southwest (OR order printed brochure)
Southeastern Louisiana
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement

Pierre and Fort Pierre, South Dakota ~ NEW
American Presidents
Indianapolis, Indiana
Ohio and Erie Canal National Heritage Corridor
Aviation:From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Shaker Historic Trail

Hardin County, Iowa
Chicago, Illinois
Pipestone, Minnesota
Amana Colonies, Iowa
Detroit, Michigan
Aboard the Underground Railroad
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement

American Presidents
World War II in the San Francisco Bay Area
Early History of the California Coast (OR order printed brochure)
Aviation:From Sand Dunes to Sonic Booms
Three Historic Nevada Cities: Carson City, Reno, Virginia City
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Santa Clara County, California
Ashland, Oregon
Seattle, Washington
We Shall Overcome: Historic Places of the Civil Rights Movement